A Good WW1 Casualty Ypres/Festubert 'Gassed twice & buried alive during a German bombardment' 1914/15 Star Medal Trio to 11671 Pte J. Grant 4th & 12th Battalions, Canadian Infantry (1443)

A Good WW1 Casualty Ypres/Festubert 'Gassed twice & buried alive during a German bombardment' 1914/15 Star Medal Trio to 11671 Pte J. Grant 4th & 12th Battalions, Canadian Infantry (1443)


A Good WW1 Casualty Ypres/Festubert 'Gassed twice & buried alive during a German bombardment' 1914/15 Star Medal Trio awarded to 11671 Pte J. Grant 4th & 12th Battalions, Canadian Infantry.

James Grant, a carpenter by trade, was born on the 20th November 1878, at Stepney South London. At some point he emigrated to Canada, living in Georgetown, Ontario. He enlisted into the Canadian Infantry on the 22nd September 1914, serving with the Canadian Expeditionary Force on the Western Front with the 4th Battallion from September 1914 to October 1915. He then transfered to the 12th (Reserve) Battalion, still serving on the Western Front, from October 1915 to July 1916. Pte Grant was medically discharged due to “Shell Shock” and difficulty breathing, on the 28th July 1916, as a direct result of twice being gassed and buried alive during a German bombardment at Ypres/Festubert.

Parts of his service recrds show the following - ‘May 31st 1915. While in a dugout at Festubert was buried by a German shell and was taken out unconscious. Was in hopsital about three weeks. About a week after he left hospital he was “gassed” at Givenchy. Ever since Festubert he has been short of breath, but this was aggrevated after Givenchy’. This occured during an attack by the Canadians and British forces on the German trenches at Ypres & Festubert.

Another part of his service records show he was gasses whilst on sentry duty. Copies of part of his service records are included in the copy research sold with this medal group. The whole record set (80 pages) can be viewed in its entirety on Ancestry.

The medals are mounted on original ribbons as worn, sold with copied research, and are as follows -

1914/15 Star, 11671 PTE J. GRANT. 4/CAN: INF:, British War & Victory Medals, 11671 PTE. J. GRANT. 4-CAN. INF.

Condition, very fine and better

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