An 1897 Metropolitan Police Jubilee Medal & 1902 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal Pair to Police Sergeant Benjamin Dennis, T Division (1502)

An 1897 Metropolitan Police Jubilee Medal & 1902 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal Pair to Police Sergeant Benjamin Dennis, T Division (1502)
An 1897 Metropolitan Police Jubilee Medal & 1902 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal Pair awarded to Police Sergeant Benjamin Dennis, T Division.
Benjamin Dennis was born on the 16th January, 1866, in Norfolk.
He served for 2 years with the Metropolitan Police T Division as a P.C, 15 years as a P.S in T Division, and 12 and half years as Clerk P.S in B Division.
His pension records show him as living at Fulham, the 1911 Census lists him as ‘Station Sergeant Met Police’ and the 1939 Census lists him as a ‘Retired Police Officer’.
The medals are mounted for display, sold with some copied research, and are as follows -
1897 Metropolitam Police Jubilee Medal, P.S. B. DENNIS. T. DIVN; 1902 Metropolitan Police Coronation Medal, P.S. . B. DENNIS. T. DIV.
Condition, light polishing, otherwise very fine