A WW1 Officer's 'Western Front' O.B.E., M.C.,M.I.D., & WW2 Salop Home Guard Medal Group to Major H.L.B. Lovatt, 6th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, Royal Engineers & Home Guard (1498)

A WW1 Officer's 'Western Front' O.B.E., M.C.,M.I.D., & WW2 Salop Home Guard Medal Group to Major H.L.B. Lovatt, 6th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, Royal Engineers & Home Guard (1498)
A WW1 Officer's 'Western Front' O.B.E., M.C.,M.I.D., & WW2 Salop Home Guard Medal Group awarded to Major H.L.B. Lovatt, 6th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, Royal Engineers & 11th Battalion Salop Home Guard.
Harry Leslie Bache Lovatt was born on the 16th August 1896, at Wellington, Shropshire.
Lovatt was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant with the 6th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment on the 5th September, 1915. He disembarked France with the 6th Battalion on the 17th June 1916. The 6th Battalion were involved in the diversionary attack at Gommecourt on the 1st July 1916, so one can only assume he was present, before transferring, or being seconded to to the Royal Engineers as an Assistant Field Engineer with the XIII Corps on the 2nd August 1916.
Lovatt was awarded the Military Cross, whilst serving with the South Staffs ‘for valuable services rendered in connection with Military Operations in the Field’ - London Gazette, 1st January 1918
Lovatt was Mentioned in Despatches - London Gazette, 23rd December 1918, Capt 6th Bn S. Staff. R. (T.F.) and R.E.
He was then awarded the O.B.E. (Military Division), ‘for valuable services rendered in connection with Military Operations in France and Flanders - London Gazette, 1st January 1919, 6th Bn., S. Staff. Regt. (T.F.) and R.E.
In between the Wars, Lovatt was employed as a Civil Engineer, and during WW2, served with the 11th Shropshire Battalion, Salop Home Guard, with the rank of Acting Colonel.
Acting Colonel Harry Leslie Bache Lovatt passed away on the 4th January, 1960, in Shropshire.
The medals are mounted as worn, sold with copied research, and are as follows -
Order of the British Empire, 1st Type, Officer’s (O.B.E.) breast Badge, Military Division, hallmarks for London 1918, unnamed as awarded; G.V.R. Military Cross, unnamed as awarded; British War & Victory Medal, with M.I.D. oakleaf, MAJOR H.L.B. LOVATT.; 1939/45 Defence Medal, unnamed as awarded.
Condition, minor contact marks, very fine.
Lovatt is not entitled to 1914/15 Star.