A WW1 Territorial War Medal Pair to 278 Pte Percy Arthur Cooper, "B" Coy, 2nd Battalion the Somerset Light Infantry (1472)

A WW1 Territorial War Medal Pair to 278 Pte Percy Arthur Cooper, "B" Coy, 2nd Battalion the Somerset Light Infantry (1472)
A WW1 Territorial War Medal Pair to 278 Pte Percy Arthur Cooper, "B" Coy, 2nd Battalion the Somerset Light Infantry.
Percy Arthur Cooper was born during 1883, at West Coker, Somerset, and joined the ranks of the Somerset Light Infantry on the 25th of May, 1908, at Yeovil.
During WW1 he served in “B” Company, the 2nd Battalion, during their campaign in India. The Battalion arrived in India on the 9th of October 1914, serving as part of the 4th (Quetta) Division, then transferring to the 1st (Peshawar) Division during December 1917. Pte Cooper was repeatedly treated in hospital for heat stroke during his service in India. He returned to England on the 14th of October 1915, and was discharged on the 29th of May 1916, having completed his full term of service.
The medal pair are mounted for display, sold with copied research, including a copy of his service records, and are as follows -
British War Medal, original ERASED, Territorial War Medal, 278 PTE. P.A. COOPER. SOM. L.I.
Codition, TWM slightly polished, very fine