A Good Boer War 'D.C.M Action' (Invalided back home) & WW1 1914/15 Star Trio Medal Group to 73296 Dvr T. Simmons, 76th Battery Royal Field Artillery (1454)

A Good Boer War 'D.C.M Action' (Invalided back home) & WW1 1914/15 Star Trio Medal Group to 73296 Dvr T. Simmons, 76th Battery Royal Field Artillery (1454)


A Good Boer War 'D.C.M Action' (Invalided back home) & WW1 1914/15 Star Trio Medal Group awarded to 73296 Dvr T. Simmons, 76th Battery, Royal Field Artillery.

Thomas Simmons was born in Willingdon, North London circa 1871. He attested on the 9th of May, 1889, joining the ranks of the Royal Field Artillery and the 76th Battery, soon to serve in the Boer War.

The 76th, along with the 81st and 82nd arrived at the Cape on 21st January 1900 and went up to Modder River. Formed a brigade division for Kelly-Kenny's Vlth Division, and took part in the pursuit of Cronje, the action at Paardeberg, and the other two battles on the road to Bloemfontein. Two officers and 1 gunner of the 76th were mentioned in Lord Roberts' despatch of 31st March 1900 for gallant work up to that time. These three batteries and the 74th accompanied Ian Hamilton on the march to Pretoria, taking part in his numerous actions (see Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry). The 76th and 82nd did very excellent work at Diamond Hill, 11th and 12th June, when the 82nd was specially mentioned. In the operations against Prinsloo the 76th did well on 24th July, in supporting the Seaforths near Retiefs Nek. In August, September, and October 1900 the 76th was in a column under Bruce Hamilton based on Kroonstad (Lord Roberts' despatch of 10th October 1900, para 39). In 1901 four guns were in a column under Colonel Thorneycroft which operated mainly in the Orange River Colony, and very frequently had fighting (Lord Kitchener's despatch of 8th July 1901).

It was during this conflict that one of his colleagues, 29492 Gunner Charles H. Fox was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal during the action at Paardeberg. He was also the Other Rank referenced above, who was given a posthumous mention in Lord Roberts dispatch which appeared in the London Gazette on the 10th of September 1901. The recommendation for Fox’s D.C.M reads as follows –

Gunner Fox was recommended to Lord Roberts by Major-General Clements: ‘I desire to bring to your Lordship's notice the very gallant and cool behaviour of a young soldier of the 76th Battery R.F.A.: No. 29492 Gunner C H Fox and to express a hope that you may recommend this man to receive the medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field. On 18 February the Battery was in action against the Boer laager. About 4:00 p.m. the Battery was fired into from behind by Boers who had occupied Kitchener's Kopie; two sections were thereupon ordered to come into action in that direction. As the order was given a volley from a 1 pounder Vickers Maxim Quick Firing gun was poured on the Battery. One shell burst on the gun to which Gunner Fox belonged, knocking the detachment out of time.
Gunner Fox sprang to his feet and entirely by himself turned the gun around, loaded and laid it in the new direction. Gunner Fox had several marks from the effect of the shell. One man was killed and five wounded at the same time. Gunner Fox, I may add, has only 15 months service.’ - D.C.M. London Gazette 27 September 1901.

Dvr Simmons was invalided back to England and discharged on the 6th May, 1910.

During WW1, Thomas Simmons re-enlisted into the Royal Field Artillery at Mill Hill (service No. 41131), on the 15th of October, 1914. He disembarked France with the 81st Brigade on the 13th of July 1915, where he served until the 24th of November, 1915, and then being discharged on the 20th of November, 1919.

The medals are mounted as worn on original ribbons, sold with a file of copied research confirming his entitlement to the 3 Q.S.A clasps, the medals are to the same man, as well as the narrative above, and are as follows –

Queen’s South Africa Medal, clasps, DRIEFONTEIN, PAARDEBERG, RELIEF OF KIMBELEY, 73296 DVR : T. SIMMONS. 76TH BTY. R.F.A; 1914/15 Star, 41131 DVR: T. SIMMONS. R.F.A.; British War & Victory Medals, 41131 DVR. T. SIMMONS. R.A.

Condition, Very Fine and Better

·         There is a small collection of original postcards and photographs, but they mostly appear to be from/taken in India, and we cannot find any reference to Simmons having served there.

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